How to Play Aavegotchi: A Beginner’s Guide For Gamers


3 months ago

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Explore the ethereal NFT realm boasting its virtual universe brimming with enticing rewards. Step into the captivating world of Aavegotchi, the groundbreaking decentralized application captivating both Web3 aficionados and NFT connoisseurs alike. Aavegotchi seamlessly blends gaming, NFTs, the metaverse, decentralized finance (DeFi), and social connectivity into an innovative blockchain-driven ecosystem. Embark on a journey through the intricacies of Aavegotchi's universe with this comprehensive guide, discovering how to engage, accumulate rewards, and optimize your experience within the platform. Let's embark on this exhilarating adventure!

What is Aavegotchi? 

Aavegotchi stands as a pioneering internet game, blending the vast potential of the NFT ecosystem with the intricacies of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Crafted by Pixelcraft Studios, it resides within the Polygon blockchain network. At its core, Aavegotchi revolves around constructing a metaverse wherein players can craft and embellish their Aavegotchi NFT avatars, machinery, and parcels of farmland, all in alignment with their strategic gameplay. The essence lies in strategically situated farming equipment within your metaverse to extract ERC-20 tokens GHST, which are intricately bound to your land and generated over time. With GHST tokens, players can expand their land holdings, enhance their Aavegotchi avatars, and upgrade installations, all to amplify their yield rates.

History of Aavegotchi

On March 31, 2022, Gotchiverse made its debut, a collaborative effort between Pixelcraft Studios, the Aavegotchi protocol, and Aave. Coder Dan, Jesse, and a dedicated team drew inspiration from the classic Tamagotchi to birth this innovative venture.

Aavegotchi emerged from this fusion of creativity, leveraging Ethereum blockchain technology alongside Polygon to pioneer a groundbreaking concept. This initiative marked Aavegotchi as the premier play-to-earn (P2E) metaverse game, seamlessly merging the realms of NFTs and DeFi.

The overarching vision of the game was to unveil a new virtual realm, where players could embark on an enthralling journey of farming and reaping rewards. Spanning genres from the likes of Farmville to colonial expansion, Gotchiverse sought to captivate players with its rich narrative and engaging gameplay.

Introducing a novel play-to-earn mechanism, Gotchiverse presented four distinct ERC-20 tokens known as Gotchus Alchimica, each representing one of the metaverse's elemental aspects. Designed as a community-driven experience, the game enabled over 5000 players to partake simultaneously, offering genuine asset ownership as they explored the expansive metaverse and unlocked its treasures.

Playing with the Aavegotchis NFTs

Aavegotchis serve as the central figures within the entire ecosystem, acting as players' gateway into the game and facilitating participation throughout. While it's possible to engage in the Gotchiverse without owning an Aavegotchi, users can still partake either as visitors or by utilizing rented avatars. However, specific activities like Rarity Farming necessitate users to possess their own Aavegotchi. These unique NFTs can be acquired through the Aavegotchi marketplace, known as the Baazaar.Often referred to simply as Gotchis, these ghostly entities require consistent attention and care. Regularly "petting" your Gotchi every 12 hours fosters a deeper bond, elevating your level of kinship with the spectral creature. This, in turn, enhances your Alchemical Channeling level, enabling players to receive a daily allotment of Gotchus Alchemica.Equipping your Aavegotchi with various clothing items enhances its rarity, thereby increasing your chances in rarity farming events. With their loyal companions by their side, players can traverse the map and collect rewards through what is known as a Playdrop, a weekly event orchestrated by Pixelcraft Studios to maintain player engagement.

How to Get Started in Aavegotchi?

At its core, Aavegotchi operates on the premise of creating NFTs resembling farmland and deploying harvesters to gather digital assets. This innovative approach was conceptualized by the founders to introduce a dynamic ecosystem where users can earn rewards through strategic management and engagement.

In the Gotchiverse, users have the opportunity to increase their asset holdings by diligently tending to their parcels of land and enhancing their Aavegotchi avatars. Additionally, players can opt to rent out their Aavegotchis to fellow users, thereby earning a percentage of their earnings without any direct involvement, effectively assuming the roles of both investor and CEO within the Gotchiverse.

The platform offers various game modes to cater to different playstyles. Notably, Rarity Farming stands out as a unique mode rewarding astute players through leaderboard competitions. Meanwhile, Mini-games provide avenues for social interaction and exploration within the Aavegotchi realm, such as the Aavegotchi fight club and cake-baking mini-games. Each game mode presents opportunities for players to earn GHST Tokens, the native currency of the ecosystem.

Understanding the intricate workings of Aavegotchi entails grasping the interplay between its various in-game facets, which collectively enable users to unlock substantial rewards within the vibrant virtual world.

Aavegotchi Gameplay

Aavegotchi gameplay is intricately tied to its expansive virtual realm, the Gotchiverse, while also branching out to encompass a diverse array of game genres.

Within the Gotchiverse, players enjoy unparalleled freedom to traverse the landscape, seeking out Alchemica rewards and engaging in thrilling battles for prizes within the Aarena. Landowners in the Gotchiverse have the additional opportunity to become farmers, reaping Alchemica tokens from their parcels of land. Pixelcraft Studios has committed to continually enhancing the gameplay experience by introducing new functionalities and expanding the scope of user interaction within the virtual world.

To embark on your Aavegotchi journey, you'll need to fund your wallet with GHST and MATIC tokens, enabling you to seamlessly connect to the Aavegotchi dapp. From there, you can acquire your very own Aavegotchi NFT. However, if you're eager to test the waters before committing to a purchase, fret not! Through the Gotchi Lending program, you can borrow an Aavegotchi and even enjoy gameplay for free, offering a risk-free introduction to the captivating world of Aavegotchi.

Aavegotchi Game Center

The Aavegotchi Game Center, unveiled in September 2023, stands as a centralized hub for all games within the Aavegotchi universe, evoking a sense of familiarity akin to platforms like Steam and the Epic Games Store, albeit infused with Aavegotchi's distinctive charm and elegance.

For avid adventurers seeking their next thrill, the Game Center offers an array of exciting options, including the immersive experiences of Gotchiverse 2D and the daring challenges of Gotchi Heroes, where your Gotchis must battle fierce monsters to emerge victorious. Exciting developments lie ahead with upcoming titles such as The Sandbox Aavegotchi Experience and the eagerly anticipated, yet enigmatic mobile game, Gotchi Guardians.

Pixelcraft Studios remains at the forefront of innovation, currently in the testing and development phase of Gotchiverse's latest iteration – Gotchiverse 3D. This evolution promises to elevate the gaming experience to new heights, with the community poised to immerse themselves in not just one, but six additional games, each offering its own unique rewards and adventures. Stay tuned for an exhilarating journey through the expanding universe of Aavegotchi!

Welcome to the Gotchiverse

Welcome to the captivating realm of the Gotchiverse, the metaverse serving as the epicenter for all Aavegotchi adventures.

Within this expansive virtual domain, three primary areas await exploration:

  • The Citaadel: Serving as the heart of the Gotchiverse, The Citaadel acts as a sanctuary for Gotchis. Protected by a formidable forcefield against the menacing Lickquidators, The Citaadel serves as a home base for players. Within its confines, players can construct on their REALM parcels, with The Aarena providing a venue for Gotchis to engage in thrilling battles to sharpen their skills in preparation for The Great Battle.
  • The Grid: Extending beyond The Citaadel, The Grid offers vast expanses of land for players to claim as their own. Here, players can build on their parcels of land, which boast abundant reserves of Alchemica. However, caution is warranted as lurking dangers in the form of Lickquidators pose a threat throughout this yet-to-be-explored territory. Questing opportunities abound in this dynamic landscape.
  • The Beyond: While currently inaccessible, The Beyond holds promise for the future. Upon its unveiling, additional parcels of land will be made available, expanding the horizons of exploration within the Gotchiverse.

Within the boundless expanse of the Gotchiverse, players have the opportunity to own parcels of virtual land known as REALM NFTs, each offering a gateway to adventure and endless possibilities. Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey within this mesmerizing virtual realm!

REALM parcels: own virtual land

In the vibrant landscape of the Aavegotchi metaverse, players have the opportunity to become virtual landowners by acquiring real estate properties within the Citadel. The Citadel, structured into Districts, further subdivides into land plots known as REALM parcels.

REALM parcels represent the quintessential form of virtual land ownership within Aavegotchi, available for purchase as NFTs. These parcels come in three distinct sizes, each offering unique advantages:

  • Humble: Spanning 8×8 pixels, Humble parcels offer a modest allocation of Gotchus Alchemica elements. Users can erect small buildings on these plots to begin shaping their virtual domain.
  • Reasonably Sized: Encompassing 16×16 pixels, Reasonably Sized parcels boast a larger share of Gotchus Alchemica elements. Players can construct medium-sized buildings, expanding their foothold within the Citadel.
  • Spacious: Covering a vast area of 32×64 pixels, Spacious parcels offer generous deposits of in-game tokens and ample space for monumental construction projects. Players can erect towering structures, establishing impressive landmarks within the metaverse.

Players have the flexibility to acquire adjacent plots of land and amalgamate them to form sprawling mega-estates, laying the foundation for their Aavegotchi empire. As the game evolves and additional features are introduced, there exists the potential for large landholders to develop their own ecosystems within the broader game framework.

It's worth noting that different game guilds often exert influence over specific districts within the Citadel, influencing the dynamics of virtual real estate. Therefore, prospective landowners should consider these factors when embarking on their house-hunting endeavors within the Aavegotchi metaverse.

Aavegotchi’s in-game tokens

Within the dynamic ecosystem of Aavegotchi, several tokens play integral roles, each serving specific functions:


GHST stands as the primary in-game currency within the Aavegotchi universe. Players rely on GHST to procure a diverse array of items and assets within the Gotchiverse, including Portals, wearables, consumables, and collectibles. Additionally, GHST can be staked to generate yield and utilized for voting in the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Furthermore, users have the option to exchange GHST directly for fiat currency, enhancing its versatility. As of the current writing, the price of GHST is $0.78, with historical data indicating an all-time low of $0.496 in December 2020 and an all-time high of $3.08 in November 2021.


GLTR serves as the currency for purchasing 'time' within the Gotchiverse. This token facilitates the acceleration of building installations and decorations within the game environment. In the Gotchiverse, 1 GLTR equates to 1 Block on the Polygon network. Additionally, users have the option to stake their GLTR tokens. Notably, the maximum supply of Glitter is capped at 1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion), with a vested distribution plan spanning the next 30 years.

Gotchus Alchemica

These tokens collectively underpin the economic framework of Aavegotchi, empowering players to engage in various activities and transactions within the immersive virtual world.

Gotchus Alchemica, comprising FUD, FOMO, ALPHA, and KEK, represent the elemental essence of the Gotchiverse. Holders of these ERC20 tokens have the ability to combine them to craft various Installations and Aesthetica, such as Tiles, enriching the virtual landscape.

Here's a breakdown of each token:

  • FUD: With a total supply of 100,000,000,000 tokens, FUD is the most prevalent but least valuable token among the Gotchus Alchemica. Despite its lower value, FUD still holds significance as it can be utilized to purchase in-game assets and combined with other tokens to create useful items.
  • FOMO: With a total supply of 50,000,000,000 tokens, FOMO ranks as the second-most common token in Aavegotchi. Similar to other elements, users can expend FOMO to facilitate the creation of buildings and other structures within the Gotchiverse.
  • ALPHA: ALPHA boasts a total supply of 25,000,000,000 tokens. Players typically need to expend fewer ALPHA tokens compared to FOMO and FUD when constructing buildings, offering a more cost-effective option for development within the virtual realm.
  • KEK: With a total supply of 10,000,000,000 tokens, KEK stands as the rarest of the Gotchiverse elements, contributing to its elevated value and desirability among players.

Players have the option to stake their Alchemica tokens to earn GLTR, or alternatively, they can engage in farming activities on their land within the Gotchiverse to harvest these tokens. The yield of each token from a digital property varies depending on the specific circumstances and mechanics of the game.

The Baazaar: Aavegotchi NFT Marketplace

The Aavegotchi Baazaar serves as the dedicated marketplace within the Aavegotchi ecosystem, providing users with a platform to engage in buying and renting activities using GHST, the native currency. Launched in February 2021 and operating on the Polygon network, the Baazaar offers fast transaction times and low fees, enhancing user convenience and accessibility.

Within the Aavegotchi Baazaar, users can explore a variety of offerings, including:

  • Gotchis: Users can purchase or rent Aavegotchis, the unique NFT avatars that serve as their entry ticket into the Aavegotchi universe.
  • REALM parcels: Land parcels within the Gotchiverse can be bought and sold, allowing players to expand their virtual holdings and engage in various activities such as farming and decoration.
  • Portals: These items enable users to spawn new Aavegotchis, expanding their collection of spectral companions.
  • Installations: Special structures constructed on REALM parcels for purposes such as farming and aesthetic decoration.
  • Tiles and decorations: Items that can be applied to REALM parcels to enhance their visual appeal and customization options.
  • Equipment: Wearables that can be equipped to Aavegotchi NFTs to increase their rarity and uniqueness.
  • Raffle tickets: Offer users the opportunity to participate in raffles for a chance to win prizes or rewards.
  • FAKEgotchis: Artistic NFTs crafted by the community, offering a creative and expressive outlet within the Aavegotchi ecosystem.

Through the Aavegotchi Baazaar, users can engage in a diverse range of transactions and interactions, fostering a vibrant marketplace environment within the virtual realm.

How to earn from playing Aavegotchi?

Playing Aavegotchi presents numerous opportunities for players to earn rewards and generate income within the virtual ecosystem. Here's how:

  • Enhancing Rarity: As you engage with your Gotchis and develop your REALM parcels, you contribute to increasing the rarity of your NFTs. Higher rarity correlates with increased value, allowing you to potentially sell your Aavegotchis for profit or rent them out to other players for a steady stream of income.
  • In-Game Tokens: Throughout your gameplay, you'll earn various in-game tokens, such as GHST and Alchemica, which hold intrinsic value within the Aavegotchi ecosystem. You can choose to hold onto these tokens or trade them on the marketplace for profit.
  • Staking: By staking your GHST and Alchemica tokens, you can participate in staking pools to earn additional rewards, such as GLTR. Staking offers a passive income stream while also contributing to the security and stability of the network.

Overall, Aavegotchi offers a multifaceted approach to earning rewards and income, combining gameplay activities, asset management, and strategic decision-making to maximize profitability within the virtual realm.

Who is on the Aavegotchi team?

The team behind Aavegotchi consists of the innovative minds at Pixelcraft Studios, who brought the project to fruition in 2020. Based in Singapore, Pixelcraft Studios operates at the intersection of NFTs and DeFi, driving forward progress and user engagement within the blockchain gaming sector.

This dedicated team comprises skilled coders and developers with extensive experience in the blockchain space. Many team members and advisors boast impressive backgrounds, having contributed to notable projects such as CoinMarketCap, Alien Worlds, GWENT, Motorola, Aave, Ubisoft, and Sega.

The name "Aavegotchi" combines "Aave," derived from the Finnish word for ghost, and "gotchi," inspired by the popular 1990s digital pet Tamagotchi. Aavegotchis are infused with a spirit force derived from staked 'aTokens' from the DeFi protocol Aave, enabling them to earn yield and participate in the Aavegotchi ecosystem.

What blockchain is Aavegotchi built on?

Aavegotchi initially debuted on the Ethereum blockchain, adhering to the ERC-721 standard for its pixelated ghost NFTs.

However, in late 2021, Pixelcraft Studios transitioned its operations to the Polygon network. This strategic move maintains compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) while conducting day-to-day activities on Polygon's Layer 2 solution. Transactions are settled on the Layer 1 Ethereum network, ensuring security and interoperability.

Polygon offers significant advantages over Ethereum, including faster transaction speeds, lower fees, and improved sustainability. This migration has notably enhanced the user experience within the Aavegotchi ecosystem.

Looking ahead, 2023 will mark a significant milestone for Aavegotchi as it transitions to its dedicated blockchain network, known as Gotchichain, built upon Polygon. This dedicated blockchain promises to optimize the user experience and provide a seamless environment tailored specifically for all aspects of Aavegotchi gameplay and interactions.

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