Kryptomons are digital collectible pets built on the BSC blockchain that can be bought using our dedicated BEP-20 token KMON. To be the best Kryptomon trainer in the world you’ll need to care for your Kryptomons, train and breed them to create new Kryptomons with exciting new traits and higher levels of power. Every Kryptomon has a unique but partially mutable genetic code made up of 38 different parameters that will determine everything from its visual appearance to its prowess in combat. Much like a real pet, your Kryptomons require attention and failure to provide this will see them “freeze” (simulated death) and “unfreezing” them (simulated revival) will require the use of special items available on our marketplace for a yet undefined amount of KMON.
What is Kryptomon Game?
Kryptomon is an NFT Play-and-Earn blockchain game, where Pokémon meets Tamagotchi and CryptoKitties. Set in the Kryptomon metaverse, community members play as ‘Trainers’ of their own individual monsters — Kryptomon.
What makes Kryptomon unique?
Taking inspiration from Pokemon, Kryptomon trainers will then be able to battle it out against each other, vying for supremacy to determine just who the best trainer in the world really is. Finally, using blockchain technology, your Kryptomon will be yours. It will be unique and belong solely to you, with proof of ownership found right there on the blockchain.
Who are the developers of Kryptomon?
The founding team comprises several colleagues who formerly worked at a major venture building company in Europe that frequently does business with leading multinational enterprises. This means that we have the experience and knowledge necessary to launch a new venture, from ideating solutions to solve specific business requirements all the way through to launching an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). But above all, we have the passion to deliver a product that gamers will love because this is what we love doing!