BloodLoop is an MMO-FPS game, with a decentralized economy, inspired by the mechanics of the world's leading competitive video games.
What makes BloodLoop unique?
The best player won't be the one who will spend endless hours in-game doing the same actions, but the one who will give everything to improve skills, showing them to the whole world and proving to be the strongest player of all.Â
How many BloodLoop NFT are there?
BloodLoop's economy is based on a dynamic system of exchanges and rewards, built on $BLS and $LF coins and $LAVAX.Â
1.BloodLoop Shard ($BLS) is the native token of BloodLoop, developed on the AVAX C-CHAIN network. It gives you the access key to the LoopVerse and is used for character creation, crafting, and tournament participation
2.Loop Fragments are the second currency related to the BloodLoop universe. With a mintable and flexible supply, represent the reward token of the game.
3.A fully virtual currency will be integrated into the game which will not  tradable via any exchange. It takes the name of Looped AVAX, $LAVAX.