
How to play Pirate Nation: From A to Z Guide




one year ago

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1. Briefly about the Pirate Station game. 

Pirate Nation, developed by Proof of Play studio ( ), is an innovative blockchain game set in the world of pirates. With over $33 million in funding, the studio is a major player in the gaming industry.

This action-adventure game combines quests and naval trials in PvE mode, with PvP mode planned for later releases. Hosted on the Arbitrium Nova network, players need a MetaMask or similar ERC wallet to play, and all transactions are ETH-based. To access the network, use the official Arbitrum site ( ).
The game features two pirate generations: 

  • Generation 0 (Founder) with 9,999 unique NFTs, and 
  • Generation 1 (Gen1) linked to user wallets. 

Gen1 pirates are free but not tradable, except as prizes in limited-time adventures like "Wishing Well."
Pirate Nation offers four ship types: Skiff, Sloop, Galleon, and Frigate. The in-game currency, PGLD or "gold coin," is interchangeable with MARK. Marks are awarded until the 10th command rank, after which they convert to gold coins at a 1-to-1 rate. Players can also obtain coins earlier by purchasing a trading license. 

2. How can I acquire a pirate? 

"How can I acquire a pirate?" is the fundamental question for newcomers, and it's a common inquiry from all new users. There are two primary methods to obtain a pirate: you can either purchase a founder on the market or acquire a free pirate through various contests on Discord and other platforms, or by participating in activities and sharing creative works in the corresponding Discord channel ( ).

If you opt to buy a pirate, marketplaces such as or offer Pirate Nation collections. Keep in mind that prices are in ETH, and the commission may vary. When selecting a pirate, consider factors like rarity, element, feature, level, and the number of chests. The pirate market is dynamic, so patience is key when choosing the right one or maybe even several pirates.

Getting a free pirate may seem challenging initially, but it's not impossible. Actively engaging in Discord chat, creating creative artwork, and participating in contests can earn you a code for the game. The speed at which you obtain a code depends on your communication skills, creativity, and involvement in the community. Handmade works are preferred over copied images or memes from the internet, with uniqueness being highly valued. The creation can be anything, as long as it adheres to the pirate theme.
Access codes for the game and Discord activity can be obtained by following community rules, which include refraining from insults, profanity, and racial or political discussions, and asking for codes directly. Moderators monitor interactions and decide when to provide a code. Participating in chat events increases your chances of receiving a code. It's crucial to respect moderators, listen to experienced players, and avoid posting links or discussions related to other projects in the pirate community chat. The chat is dedicated to pirates, and any unrelated content may not be well-received.

3. The first step in the game 

The eagerly anticipated moment has arrived, and you've obtained the access code to the game or become a representative of the merchant class by purchasing a founder. Head to the game's website and click on the Play button:

Insert the code or click on the link in the code. If entering the code manually, copy the alphanumeric characters (e.g., r15WN0k, but this is just an example, not a valid code). Entering through the WL is theoretically possible, but there's a long queue. If you have a purchased pirate, click on Sign In. 

Next, enter your email address for account linking. A 6-digit verification code will be sent to your email. Paste it into the pop-up window.

On the wallet choice page, be extremely careful. Choose the first item to link your Metamask or a similar ERC wallet. Create a separate account in your existing wallet and link it to the game. Do not choose the second option to create a new wallet, as it will burn your code. The game will start, but you won't have the ability to buy or sell artifacts in the market.

After this critical stage, you'll reach a page for choosing your character (applicable only to those with the free pirate Gen1; those who bought the founder skip this stage). Choose your character carefully, as it cannot be changed later. After selecting the pirate's avatar, the system randomly assigns the pirate's feature and element, crucial for your game strategy. Buyers on the marketplace can select parameters that suit their play style.

While in the game, immediately make your pirate a captain by clicking the green button on the pirate. Send him on a bounty mission to start earning resources and initiate the timer. Spend the maximum energy now, as it accumulates while you engage in the game. Ready? Head to the naval battle! Best of luck in the fight!

4. The expertise and affinity of the pirate 

Each pirate possesses one affinity and one expertise, each with its advantages and disadvantages in relation to other affinities and expertises. The Gen1 pirate randomly receives these attributes, while those who purchase a foundation can choose them.

There are five affinities or elements: fire, earth, lightning, air, and water. Affinity plays a crucial role in battles due to the game's elemental superiority system. The picture below illustrates this system, with arrows showing the strengths and weaknesses between elements. For example, fire is stronger than earth but weaker than water. Elements that do not share a direct relationship are neutral in battle. For instance, water and earth do not interact in terms of damage, and the same goes for earth and air.

In battle, elemental superiority translates into the strength and amount of damage inflicted. For instance, the fire element deals 25% more damage to the earth element, while the earth element causes 25% less damage to the fire element in a duel.

As for expertise, there are also five types: damage, evasion, speed, accuracy, and health. Each expertise contributes a unique set of cards to the game deck, influencing the overall strategy:

  • Damage provides an advantage in attack, giving the player more attacking cards in the deck.
  • Evasion allows the player to dodge the opponent's attacks.
  • Speed increases the chances of attacking first, which is crucial in battles.
  • Accuracy boosts the probability of accurate ship strikes during an attack.
  • Health raises the maximum health value of the ship in battle, providing more first-aid kits.

Diversifying your pirates with various affinities and expertise can be advantageous in battles. Matching a pirate with a stronger element against the enemy increases the damage output significantly.

The pirate's affinity and expertise are displayed in the upper left corner under the word "Crew," as shown in the picture. For example, a Gen1 pirate with the number #1246 has the Earth and Arcuracy.

5. Pirate's level 

Each pirate has individual and team levels. Team levels, linked to your account, stay consistent even if you change or acquire more pirates. Individual levels are earned by completing tasks, with XP awarded. Reaching a new individual level requires accumulating XP and paying coins or marks. Pirates have a maximum of 30 individual levels, each adding a card to the playing deck.

Team levels are earned through naval battles. There are 10 levels, and upon reaching the 10th level, you receive a trading license, converting marks to gold coins at a 1-to-1 ratio. Team points are earned through daily battles, with a maximum of 100 points per day. Winning battles awards points and chests, while reaching the maximum 3,000 points unlocks the trading license. Marketplaces like and allow buying/selling artifacts. Use a VPN if there are geographical restrictions in your country.

6. Gameplay 

The gameplay is divided into several components: naval combatcompleting queststemporary bountiescrafting artifacts, and seasonal adventures like "Forgotten Gods," "Wishing Well," or a Christmas event. We'll delve into naval battles later, focusing on quests and bounties for now.

To access bounties, click on the second icon with the image of two sheets at the bottom of the screen. These tasks can be completed by either a single pirate or a group of pirates. Additional tasks with appealing rewards are reserved for founders, but they come with a 6-day time limit. Choose tasks based on the number of pirates you have; most are designed for a single pirate. Task durations vary from 2 to 23 hours. Select the task, assign a pirate to it, and remember to collect the reward and assign the pirate to a new task when the allotted time expires.


For a beginner pirate, it's crucial to collect key resources like wood, ore, and cotton. Currently, it's more advantageous to use energy for farming these resources than engaging in bounties. However, bounties can yield valuable artifacts. Explore potential bounty rewards by clicking on the bag icon. We'll discuss resources separately later, but remember that continuously collecting these main resources is essential for later stages.
While a pirate is undertaking a bounty task, they cannot be assigned to another task as they're blocked for the duration of the bounty. However, pirates can be sent to perform various quests, which is our next topic. To access quests, click on the first icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

Completing quests consumes energy, with a maximum capacity of 150 units. Energy replenishes automatically, accumulating 1 unit every 9 minutes and 36 seconds, reaching a total of 6 units per hour and a full 150 units in 24 hours.
You can replenish energy by consuming rum obtained from quests and chests. Flasks add 2 units, and bottles add 5 units. Rum barrels, rumored to provide 25 units, remain unconfirmed. The pirate's purple scale indicates the consumed rum, with 1 unit restored per hour.
Quests, unlocked as pirates level up, aim to obtain ship blueprints. Achieving the 20th individual level unlocks all quests. One notable quest, "Get Your Sea Legs," costs 13 energies, requiring an oar, net, and anchor. Despite its low energy cost, it rewards 125 experience points. Don't overlook this quest.

Remember that each quest increases your experience points, which are necessary to increase the individual pirate level. It is important to note that some quests can be completed with a certain periodicity in time (cooldown) – somewhere 1 time per 2 hours, somewhere 1 time per 8 hours, somewhere even less often. This is not particularly annoying, because you will just have time to stock up on the necessary resources during the cooldown. 

7. Resources 

Resources in the game are categorized into three tiers:

  • First tier (1 tir): Wood, ore, and cotton are basic resources. These serve as the foundation for crafting items in the second tier. Basic resources are essential for producing ship components and crafting artifacts.
  • Second tier (2 tir): Oar, net, and anchor fall into this category. Each resource in this tier is crafted; for example, crafting an oar requires 3 wood, a net requires 3 cotton, and an anchor requires 3 ore. Crafting is done in the crafting tab (represented by the hatchet icon). These resources are partially utilized in quests to obtain blue cards.
  • Third tier (3 tir): Telescope, compass, and mermaid scales belong to this tier. Similarly, crafting resources from the second tier are combined to create these items—2 oars for a compass, 2 nets for mermaid scales, and 2 anchors for a telescope. These resources are crucial for completing quests, leading to the acquisition of blue cards for ship production.




3  woods = 1 oar

3 cottons = 1 net

3 ores = 1 anchor

2 oars = 1 compass

2 nets = 1 mermaid scales

2 anchors = 1 telescope

The process is straightforward: basic resources are primarily obtained from bounties, second-tier resources come from the first-tier resources, and third-tier resources are derived from the second tier. Occasionally, a resource from the second or third category may be found in chests obtained as rewards for naval combat.

Below, Here is the cheat sheet for acquiring a blue card. I always refer to this cheat sheet before tackling quests—it's convenient and visually helpful.

The probability of receiving

The name of the quest


The amount of energy


Down with the Deep Ones

1 telescope + 1 net



A Game of Djinn Rummy

1 compass + 1 oar



Fight the Dread Pirate Robots

1 mermaid scales + 1 anchor



The Motherload

1 oar + 1 net + 1 anchor



Hunt the Mecha-Whale

1 telescope + 1 mermaid scales



Weather the Storm

1 compass + 1 telescope



Defeat the Merman King

1 mermaid scales + 1 compass


It's important to note that having a 10% or 20% probability of obtaining a blue card doesn't guarantee success on the tenth or fifth attempt. The game's probability algorithm treats each quest completion independently, offering a consistent chance of 1 in 10 or 1 in 5 for each attempt. However, as a bonus, you'll accumulate various artifacts such as rum bottles, flasks, wooden racks, rivets, ropes, and more. These artifacts can be sold on the marketplace once the trade license is unlocked or used to boost energy or craft ship components.

8. Assembling the ship

Upon entering the game, you automatically receive a small Skiff boat along with your pirate. However, for those aspiring pirates dreaming of owning a larger vessel, this section will guide you on how to build a ship. Alternatively, if you prefer not to engage in construction, any ship can be purchased on the marketplace (assuming you have a trading license).

To reiterate, there are currently four types of ships in the game: Skiff, Sloop, Galleon, and Frigate.

  • Skiff: This is the initial ship that cannot be sold. Similar to your Gen1 pirate, it is tied to your wallet and game account. The Skiff has 140 health points and one power-up slot. Details on strengthening the ship will be discussed later.
  • Sloop: A maneuverable ship with 175 health points and two power-up slots. The Sloop is known for its speed, but it has weaker firepower and fewer health points compared to the Galleon and Frigate.
  • Galleon: A strong and balanced ship, currently considered the most balanced in the game. The Galleon has 210 health points and three power-up slots.
  • Frigate: The most powerful ship for naval combat, but less maneuverable. The Frigate boasts 275 health points and three power-up slots, similar to the Galleon.

Now, as enhancements, the following elements can be inserted into any available slot:

  • Iron Armor – Hardened Shield card: Blocks 50 points of damage.
  • Cotton Sail – Act with Haste card: Adds 2 AP to the end of the turn.
  • Iron Cannon – Big Guns card: Deals 45 points of damage to the enemy.
  • Wooden Helm – Careful Planning card: Adds one card to the hand for the next three moves.
  • Iron Sights – Hit the Dry Powder card: Adds 50% damage to the next attack.

Each enhancement element provides one card to the game deck, and I've noted the corresponding card and its action in front of each element above. Further details on game cards and their combinations will be covered in the appropriate section. For now, let's return to the ship production.

All ships, except the original boat, are assembled using the same principle. To construct a completed ship, you need to craft reinforcement elements and assemble 4 blueprints. Therefore, for ship production, you must create:

  • Sloop – 1 Iron Sights + 2 Wooden Helms + 3 Cotton Sails;
  • Galleon – 1 Iron Cannon + 2 Cotton Sails + 3 Iron Sights;
  • Frigate – 1 Iron Armor + 2 Cotton Sails + 3 Iron Cannons.

To acquire each of the four blueprints, you need to complete specific quests (remember, they have a time limit) and gather a complete set of blueprints (S1+S2+S3+S4 for the Sloop, G1+G2+G3+G4 for the Galleon, F1+F2+F3+F4 for the Frigate). Fate can be a bit ironic for many pirates, so don't fret if you end up with duplicate cards. While it's frustrating, you can always trade with another fortunate pirate who has what you need. Trading is possible only with a trading license, as the exchange is conducted through the marketplace. If you decide to trade, don't hesitate to inquire in the Discord chat about potential exchanges. Moderators can offer guidance and may even act as exchange guarantors. Of course, merchants can buy anything on the marketplace.

For those determined to collect blueprints themselves, below is a cheat sheet for obtaining the purple card necessary for crafting blueprint fragments.

The probability of receiving

The name of the quest


The amount of energy


Cut to the Point

1 Faded Map + 1 telescope



Meet Billy

1 Faded Map + 1 mermaid scales



Moving on up

1 Faded Map + 1 mermaid scales + 1 telescope + 1 compass



Find the Lost Isle of Gold

3 compasses + 3 telescopes + 3 mermaid scales



Returning the Party Favor

1 Faded Map + 1 Billy Club + 1 Goblin Totem



Bobo’s Bounty

1 Faded Map + 1 Grappling Hook + 1 Monkey Totem



Parrot Down

2 Faded Maps + 1 Musket + 1 Parrot Totem



Glitterfin’s Glory

2 Faded Maps + 1 Grappling Hook + 1 Goldfish Totem


All artifacts required for completing purple card quests are obtained through other quests, earned as rewards for increasing the team level or crafted using resources. Consequently, when embarking on ship construction, it's essential to have a plan for acquiring the necessary artifacts to expedite the process. Simultaneously, while obtaining blueprints, produce all the necessary ship components such as Iron Cannons, Cotton Sails, Iron Armors, Wooden Helms, and Iron Sights.

Consider whether it's worthwhile to construct several different types of ships. Ponder on this decision.

9. Naval Battle 

Naval battles in the game take the form of a card game utilizing your ship's power (its health points) and a set of playing cards. To initiate a battle, click on the icon with three cards on the main game screen and start the battle by pressing the "Battle" button – your pirate will then engage in battle on a boat. If you possess multiple pirates or ships, you must create a separate combat platform (Select deck) for each pirate and ship combination. You can create up to 20 battlegrounds in the game.
Each pirate comes with a deck of cards that corresponds to their characteristics. For instance, if you have the "damage" feature, your deck will include more attacking cards. If you have "health," you'll have more first-aid kits. As you advance in individual levels, a new card is added to your deck. Upon accumulating more than 40 game cards (from the 20th individual level and beyond), you can assemble your unique game deck, as only 40 cards can participate in the game. At this stage, having gained combat experience, you can tailor your deck to suit your battle style, exploring which cards work best for you. This presents a creative field to experiment with.It's crucial to remember that the success of the battle directly hinges on the correct use of cards and their combinations. However, we'll delve into this aspect later.

Having set up a battleground and initiated the battle, the fight unfolds as depicted in the image below. On the left side is your ship (in my case, it's a frigate with the "Tattered Sails" skin – skins are merely decorative and do not impact combat capabilities). On the opposite side is your opponent, which can range from other ships to various calamities like insects, whirlwinds, monsters, etc. The developers' imagination knows no bounds in this aspect. You start with 5 cards in your hand and have 5 Action Points (AP) or turn points (6 AP for Sloop, 5 AP for Skiff and Galleon, 4 AP for Frigate). The turn points are displayed in the lower left corner within the yellow square. Each card is assigned several turn points, ranging from 0 to 5. Your objective is to strategically use the available cards.

The green scale displays health points for both you and your opponent. As a Frigate user, I have 245 health points (before a recent 30% reduction). Skiffs start with 140 health points, sloops with 175, and galleons with 210. Opponents always start with more health, making each battle progressively tougher. It's vital to understand card dynamics and anticipate opponent moves. Don't worry, you begin each new battle with your ship at 100% health.

In a recent update, ships were rebalanced to offer distinct roles in battle. You must devise your strategy and tactics. Each ship now has different turn points and unique cards:

  • Skiff: 5 turn points, 7 attack cards, 3 other expertise cards
  • Sloop: 6 turn points, 5 attack cards, 5 other expertise cards.
  • Galleon: 5 turn points, 4 attack cards, 6 other expertise cards.
  • Frigate: 4 turn points, 6 damage cards, 4 other expertise cards.

In the game, there are different ships with unique battle tactics, making it challenging to determine the best ship. Eventually, having all types of ships is beneficial.

Each pirate starts with 10 base cards, mostly representing their characteristics (damage, evasion, speed, accuracy, health). As the individual pirate level increases, additional cards are added.

You can engage in five battles daily, earning rewards and experience points. Winning the first four battles grants team experience points and chests, while the fifth battle offers rare artifacts. Consolation points are given for losses. The daily maximum points are 100, achieved through wins, losses, or a combination.

The game involves decks with card points on both sides, indicating the number of available and used cards. Understanding opponent cards and intentions is crucial. In PvE mode, you always attack first. Combat strategy is influenced by your set of cards, turn points, and ship health.

The game algorithm allows for 50 rounds in one fight, with a defeat awarded if not won by the 49th round. Remember the element superiority (Fire – Earth – Lightning – Air – Water). Prioritize attacking the weakest opponent and monitor your health points, sometimes prioritizing defense over offense.

10. Game cards

The game deck contains 65 different cards divided into five main categories:

  • Attack Cards;
  • Control cards;
  • Protection cards;
  • Health cards;
  • Manipulation cards.

Each card contains a description of its effects on the enemy. Some cards can be applied to both yourself and your opponent, increasing or decreasing the impact. It is very useful to use manipulation cards with attack cards. Manipulation cards increase the damage done and, I'll tell you one secret, now the effect of the cards is multiplied and by combining several of these cards, you can inflict very serious damage to the enemy. Also, the protection cards block or deflect the opponent's blow. So study all the possibilities carefully. Discussion of such card strategies is encouraged in discord, because it helps other participants to win duels.

11. Pirate’s Island

Finally, the battles ended, the quests were completed, and the pirates went on a mission to extract resources. And then it's time to remind you that you have your own island where you can go to relax or decorate with various trophies and artifacts.

In the crafting section, you can produce various buildings, decorations, and cute trinkets from the extracted resources, making your island unique. On my island there are rare pirate crypts and gates, as well as totems from past adventures. But how much more empty space is there… 

12. PVP 

Prepare to unfurl the sails and batten down the hatches, Pirate Nation buccaneers! A treasure trove of new content awaits in the latest update, brimming with thrilling PvP battles, uncharted seas to explore, and a revamped economy that promises fairer winds for all.

Sink Your Teeth into Fiery PvP:

  • Challengeworthy Combat: Forge your code and exchange it to embark on intense player-versus-player duels. Test your deck-building prowess and tactical acumen against worthy adversaries. Auto-matching details are on the horizon, so brace yourselves for swashbuckling showdowns on the high seas!
  • Strategic Cardplay: With each turn, time is your precious booty. Make quick decisions within 20 seconds, unleashing devastating combos and cunning maneuvers to claim victory.

Explore Uncharted Depths:

  • Unfurl the Map: The world of Pirate Nation expands! Discover new horizons teeming with fresh challenges and opportunities. Chart uncharted islands, unearth hidden treasures, and forge your own pirate legend.
  • Sea Monsters and More: Brace yourselves for thrilling PvE encounters against monstrous denizens of the deep. Hone your skills against krakens, leviathans, and other fearsome foes, collecting valuable loot and claiming bragging rights.
  • Mine your Riches: No pirate's life is complete without plundering precious resources. Discover raw ores on your nautical adventures, then invest your time and energy in mining them – no more click-farming woes!

Fair Winds Arise:

  • Economic Equilibrium: Say goodbye to monotonous grinding! The economic system gets a much-needed overhaul, with resource mining shifting towards uncovering raw ores on islands. Invest your efforts in exploration, discovery, and strategic extraction.
  • Earn your Bounty: The spoils of victory await! Emerging victorious from a PvP clash nets you a hefty payout of 175 gold, while defeat still earns a respectable 25 gold. Every battle contributes to the Pirate Nation treasure chest, fostering a more balanced and rewarding experience.

So hoist the Jolly Roger, raise the anchor, and dive headfirst into the exciting new possibilities that await in Pirate Nation! With thrilling PvP clashes, expansive exploration opportunities, and a revamped economy, the high seas have never been more alluring. Chart your course and claim your destiny – the treasures (and glory) await!

Additional Notes:

  • Feel free to adjust the tone and style of the article to better suit your audience.
  • You can add additional details from the thread, such as specific examples of sea monsters or ores.
  • Consider including a call to action at the end, encouraging readers to join the Pirate Nation adventure.

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#Pirate Nation

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