Diviner Protocol aims to build a Metaverse “Diviner Harbour City” to offer users a gamified & diversified prediction marketplace. Free to Predict, Predict to Earn. Principal lossless: Users can get back their principal even if they lose in the game.
What makes Diviner Protocol unique?
Diviner Protocol aims to build up a metaverse “Diviner Harbour City” to offer users a gamified & diversified prediction marketplace. By using innovative tokenomics ($DPT), utilizing prediction and games. Whilst also combining the best of DeFi and NFTs to create a truly unique and everlasting Gamified Prediction & Play to Earn Ecosystem.
How does Diviner Protocol work?
Game rules: https://docs.diviner.finance/
How to make money in Diviner Protocol?
Metacity is the first Diviner Metaverse game on BNB Chain. Players can summon characters, complete daily missions, interact with other players, and buy rare items to play and earn.