DarkMeta NFT Game
A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ACTION MMORPG METAVERSE DarkMeta is an open-world, action-adventure RPG set in the dark future of Neon City — a dangerous megalopolis obsessed with power, glamor, and ceaseless body modification.
What makes DarkMeta unique?
DarkMeta has four incredible Game modes:
FULL CAMPAIGN — Journey across Neon City to save mankind from the impending apocalypse.
DEATHMATCH — Solo or team battle against other players where the goal is to kill as many players as possible.
SURVIVAL — Solo or team battle against all the enemies of Neon City. Try to survive as many rounds as possible.
ROAM FREELY — Live the life of a futuristic being within the metaverse and socialize with other players.
How does DarkMeta work?
A blockchain-based RPG with a collection of weapons for players to equip and upgrade while earning NFTs & tokens.
Players can build a custom weapon collection to fight the enemies and to battle against other players.
Embark on a thrilling expedition to save mankind — Uncover the past, discover the source of the entities, and fight to fend off the extinction of the human race.
Scavenge for parts and build your weapon of choice — Craft unique weapons by gathering components. Combine, reconfigure, and upgrade your favorites.
DarkMeta Gameplay Overview
"DMT tokens can be earned within single player and multiplayer battles. The game is available for Windows
How to make money in DarkMeta?
"DMT tokens can be earned within single player and multiplayer battles. The game is available for Windows.