Web2 vs. Web3 Games- What Sets Them Apart?



one year ago

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Gaming has come a very long way from its early Pong days. From simply enjoying a pixelated table-tennis themed game to Half-Life: Alyx’s immersive Virtual Reality(VR) controls, gaming has made significant strides to advance the user experience to unbelievable heights

The introduction of web3 gaming took the gaming industry by storm and is set to even grow further; it is predicted to onboard up to 100 Million gamers in the next 2 years, signifying mass adoption could be coming soon. 

Even though web3 gaming has made significant strides, not many gamers are too familiar with the nuances between traditional web3 gaming and blockchain web3 gaming. In this article, let’s delve into the fundamental differences between these two generations of gaming and explore how Web3 gaming is revolutionizing the industry.

What is Web2 Gaming?

Before we dive into the specifics of web3, let’s clarify what web3 gaming is.

Web2 gaming refers to the traditional gaming model where central authorities control the entire ecosystem. They are the very familiar video games we can play on our desktop computers, consoles, and mobile devices.

Popular titles like Counter-StrikeGrand Theft Auto, and Minecraft have captured the imaginations of millions of gamers, propelling video gaming to a massive mainstream audience. Minecraft alone has more than 140 million active players while generating over $318 million in revenue in a year.

These games offer a fun innovative activity for gamers to immerse themselves for hours ranging from shooting online games, driving in well-designed cities, and expressing creativity through creative content.

But with everything these games try to offer, they come with limitations that hinder the maximum gaming experience. Players rely on central servers, face restrictions on asset ownership, and lack true control over their gaming experience.

What is Web3 Gaming?

Unlike its predecessor, Web3 gaming introduces blockchain technology and decentralized networks to empower players with unprecedented freedom and ownership.

Players have full control over their in-game assets, can trade and monetize them, and participate in decentralized economies. It embraces concepts like play-to-earn, where players can earn real value for their in-game achievements.

Web3 gaming is fueled by the emergence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that enable the creation, ownership, and trading of unique digital assets.NFTs are unique digital assets that can represent in-game items, characters, or virtual land. They give players true ownership and scarcity, allowing for the creation of vibrant virtual economies. 

What are the Key Differences between Web2 Games & Web3 Games?

Here are the key differences gamers should take note of when comparing web2 and web3.

1. Centralized vs. Decentralized

Web2 games are built on centralized platforms, where game data, assets, and control are primarily owned and managed by a central authority or game developer.

In contrast, Web3 games are built on decentralized platforms using blockchain technology. They leverage smart contracts and distributed ledger systems to create trust, transparency, and ownership for players. They enable players to truly own their in-game assets and trade them freely.

2.Ownership and Interoperability

Traditional games suffer from limitations on asset ownership and interoperability. In most cases, players do not have full ownership of their in-game assets, and transferring assets between different games or platforms is difficult or impossible. 

Your purchased in-game wearable skins from League of Legends won’t be transferable to a game like Call of Duty. Once you decide to quit the game, all the assets you’ve managed to accumulate will be rendered worthless.

Web3 games, on the other hand, utilize non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain technology to grant players true ownership of their in-game assets. Representing in-game items like skins and tokens, they can be bought and sold freely within the game and in external marketplaces.

They enable web3 games to be interoperable, allowing players to seamlessly transfer their assets between different games and platforms.

3.Community-driven Development

Web2 games are typically developed by centralized game studios or companies, with limited input from the player community. Centralized game studios handle everything towards development. Typically, they don’t allow community members to have the most-recent updates of the development.

In contrast, Web3 games emphasize community-driven development and governance. Through mechanisms like decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), players can actively participate in the decision-making process for game development, updates, and modifications. Web3 games enable players to have a voice, influence the direction of the game, and potentially earn rewards for their contributions.

Final Thoughts

Web3 gaming represents a transformative shift from the centralized world of Web2 gaming to a more empowering and transparent gaming experience while giving players an opportunity to make money off their assets.

Visit this page if you want to find out the top web3 games this year: https://chainplay.gg/blog/top-20-web3-games-in-2023/

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