How to Play Neopets Metaverse: A Beginner’s Guide For Gamers


one year ago

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Get ready for a nostalgia trip with Neopets Metaverse, the web3 version of the iconic virtual pet game from the 90s. Experience the beloved gameplay of raising, customizing, and playing mini-games, now with the added excitement of blockchain technology.

Excitement for the game is high, with industry leaders such as Polygon, Blizzard Avalanched Ecosystem, and IDG Capital recently contributing an additional $4 million to the project in January 2023.

What can we expect from Neopets Metaverse and the adventure that awaits?

Gameplay Features

Neopets Metaverse is a thrilling play-to-earn metaverse game inspired by the classic Neopets browser game. It offers a vibrant digital world where players can socialize, explore, and try various mini-games. Players can also engage in exciting battles with their customizable Neopets, using various strategies and stats to defeat enemies.


The game boasts a wide range of activities and game modes to keep players engaged for hours:

Neopet Personalization

Like the original, Neopets Metaverse centers around your pet’s in-game abilities and unique appearance. Two crucial factors that players need to focus on are their pet’s status and attributes. The status of your pets determines hunger and mood, while attributes affect their defensive and offensive stats in battles.

Customize with wearables

To ensure that your Neopets are always in top shape, players must feed them regularly and personalize them through various cosmetic items such as hats, shirts, and accessories. Using various NFT accessories, players can completely personalize the appearance of their Neopet to suit their tastes.

Battle Gameplay

The game has a story-driven single-player modemini-games, and a PVP mode.

PVP(Player vs. Players) lets players test their Neopets against other players. There are ranked duels, and championships that all allow you to earn $NPM for winning.

PVP mode

Neopets come in different roles such as tankattacker, and support. Use strategy and your Neopet customization to defeat skilled warriors

Meanwhile, minigames help you earn $NPM and other items while keeping your Neopet healthy. The minigames are an assortment of old games from the classic browser game and new ones.


Neopets Metaverse allows players to have a place to sit back and relax with their Neopet. A Neohome is a place for Neopets to socialize with their friends and create their own unique customized space. You can add NFT furniture and resources to craft your home to your personalized taste

Decorate your home

Marketplace and Staking

Players can trade in Neopia Central, a marketplace containing items, accessories, and more to add to their Neopet arsenal including cosmetics and furniture. Additionally, crafting is a mechanic that allows players to create food, potions, and items such as equipment and furniture.

Using resources and tokens, players can utilize their crafted items by either selling them in the marketplace or using them for decorations in their Neohome.


Neopians can also engage in DeFi activities such as staking, yielding, and swapping at the National Neopian Bank. These features allow you to earn rewards for your contribution to the Neopets economy, granting you passive income.

Neopian Bank

Collectibles - How to get NFTs

Neopets Metaverse believes in allowing players ownership of their in-game digital assets. Additionally, NFT holders also enjoy multiplier benefits such as exclusive access to future game modes, allowlists, airdrops, and more.

Genesis Collection

Neopets Meta is the main currency for all transactions. NFTs in the game include items and lands, ranging from clothing, equipment, and accessories to Land. You can buy, sell and trade these items at the marketplace.

Obtaining NFTs in Neopets Metaverse is simple. There are multiple ways to go about it.

  • Craft your own using in-game resources
  • Directly purchasing one in the marketplace(using $NPM)
  • Buying off from other players
  • Staking $NPM for future NFT drops

How to Download

Neopets Metaverse is currently in its alpha phase. The game’s latest alpha testing was on December 2022 during its Alpha Winter Edition.

As of the time of this writing, its next game test has yet to be announced. However, players can prepare by signing up their email on the website to join the waiting list. Subscribers will also receive the latest news sent directly to their email.

Sign in for the waitlist

Once the developers release the beta access, it's safe to assume players can download it on their website. You can visit their website by visiting this link:


The original Neopets captured as many as 150 million fans across the world. Neopets Metaverse aims to bring the Neopets IP to the web3 gaming industry, attracting both old-time and younger or newer fans to join the fray.

You can learn more about Neopets by visiting our page.

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#Neopets Metaverse




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