The Wasted Lands is an NFT-based mobile and PC game with puzzle, RPG, and strategy elements.
What type of game is The Wasted Lands?
The Wasted Lands is RPG, Strategy, Puzzle game
Does The Wasted Lands NFT Game provide scholarship?
The Wasted Lands partners with MetaGaming Guild, Good Games Guild, Avocado DAO, YGG Sea
Who invested in The Wasted Lands?
The Wasted Lands has 11 investors including prestigious name like X21 Digital, Momentum 6, Genblock Capital, Magnus Capital, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, WaterDrip Capital, Avstar Capital, Panda Capital, VBC Ventures, Bigcoin Capital, Basics Capital
The Wasted Lands Price today is $0.0003 What was the 24 hour trading volume of $16. The Wasted Lands price is change 0 in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 0 coins and a total supply of 100,000,000
What was the highest price for The Wasted Lands?
The Wasted Lands hit an all time high of 0.605169.
What was the lowest price for The Wasted Lands?
The Wasted Lands had an all time low of 0.00013128.
What was the 24 hour trading volume of The Wasted Lands?
The 24 hour trading volume of The Wasted Lands is 16.
Where can The Wasted Lands be traded?
You can trade The Wasted Lands on
Where To Buy wal
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The Wasted Lands Scholarship List & Tracker 2022
Scholarship To play The Wasted Lands, it would require players an upfront cost to acquire the NFT items while not so many players can afford it. Therefore, a crypto gaming guild was born to solve the dilemma, it shall define as a group or a community that plays NFT games while sharing tips, providing mentorships to maximize the earnings.
In a scholarship, there are two main roles, managers (those who provide the NFT) and scholars (those who give up their time to play the game). Subsequently, the managers will cut apart from the scholar is earnings called the take-rate, its percentage will vary among guilds and the agreed upon.
Besides, a scholarship is an ideal way for freshers to explore the game as well as gain experience about the game before putting their own money for an NFT. Below is compiled the list of partnered guilds with The Wasted Lands that comprised take-rate, scholars is counts and relevant links to apply.
How do I get started with The Wasted Lands as a Scholar?