The Crypt Game NFT Game
The Crypt Game is a Loot-based dungeon game that exists entirely on the Blockchain and enables anyone to build on top of it. As the world’s first player vs environment co-op on-chain game, players have the ability to build their own clients, bots, and even their own games, using the primitives that Playmint has developed.
What is The Crypt Game Game?
The Crypt is a massively multiplayer series of games and quests with its heart in the Lootverse. Along the way seekers will be able to collaborate and compete, uncovering epic rewards as they go.
What makes The Crypt Game unique?
Each game will be released Chapter by Chapter, building on the past and setting in stone the lore of the future. By starting simple and releasing regularly we envision the Seekers of the Crypt to help shape its future.
How many The Crypt Game NFT are there?
There are a total of 42,672 Relic NFT’s to be unearthed. Relics can be one of seven different object types, some of which are rarer than others. Each Relic is stamped with six pre-assigned and fixed attributes: Material, Alignment, Pole, Astral, Element and Greatness. These are evenly distributed across the Relics.
Who are the developers of The Crypt Game?
They are Playmint, a purpose built team of professional developers with a long, diverse history of making high quality video games.