A Futuristic PLAY2EARN NFT MMORPG with an amazing blockchain journey full of adventures and opportunities. SIDUS transports players to a world based on crypto and blockchain philosophy in which a major technological transformation has taken place. All living beings in SIDUS have become one with technology.
What is Sidus Game?
sidus Heroes is the first ever WebGL, AAA-level, Play-to-Earn, NFT and MMORPG game that is set in a space metaverse at a time when technological advancements have reached the level of merging with all living beings. Every Hero belongs to one of several blockchain races and embodies that chain’s strongest attributes. The game provides users with multiple gaming scenarios: interstellar exploration, battles and settlements, as well as providing scope for political, social and economic development.
What makes Sidus unique?
To play Sidus Heroes, players have to compete in the Battle Arena (PvE or PvP mode), compete in tournaments, form fighting legions. Farm and mine resources, craft, build and develop infrastructure. Take part in the political life of the universe, create political parties, get elected to the Council, become a Minister or President. Master a profession and become scientists, hunters, builders, pilots, mechanical engineers, navigation officers, etc.
How many Sidus NFT are there?
NFT Heroes is an original collection of 6000 unique, generative characters. The collection features 4500 Original NFT Heroes including Partnership Heroes, 1000 Race Heroes and 500 Legendary Heroes.
Who are the developers of Sidus?
Sidus Heroes is built by an experienced tech company with 200+ full-time employees and numerous successful projects under its belt. The Sidus NFT Heroes team features a large number of highly skilled blockchain developers who have years of experience in building DeFi and NFT products. Many members of the Sidus team come from the game development industry and are skilled in applying cutting-edge technologies and multimedia solutions.