metaENGINE is the World's Only Web3 Game Engine That Creates The Metaverse.
What is metaENGINE Game?
metaENGINE is an all-in-one platform that incorporates a professional-grade game engine with a complete back-end server, network, blockchain integration, and a publishing platform.
What makes metaENGINE unique?
Bringing the Most Wanted Features of the GameFi World to Reality. Take Advantage of Numerous Features Offered By The Platform While Building Your Dream Game. With metaENGINE’s game development platform, you don’t just develop and deploy games, but you can make changes in the live game like the real metaverse would do
Who are the developers of metaENGINE?
metaENGINE is developed by Alex Shalash, CEO and co-founder. The team of metaEngine holds vast experience in the gaming and development domain