MEDLand Mayhem NFT Game
MEDLand Mayhem will give you the opportunity to earn money during an excellent MOBA game.
What makes MEDLand Mayhem unique?
Players can stake tokens when they fight in each game to try and win the enemy’s stake.
Players must progress through each game and defeat enemy players, enemy non-player characters, bosses and structures which will earn them points towards a predetermined amount required to win the game. Defeating different types of objectives yields varying amounts of points towards the end goal, e.g. killing a boss monster gives 10% of the points required to win. Players who die in combat lose points for their team.
How many MEDLand Mayhem NFT are there?
There are several different NFTs in the MEDLand universe. The first and most important is the player's hero, which can be developed, sold and rented, and thanks to cross-play, it will be used in all MEDLand games beyond MEDLand Mayhem. In addition, NFTs are various environment cards and SKILL cards, as well as image- and sound-based NFTs.
Who are the developers of MEDLand Mayhem?
We have the team of the KingIT Solutions behind our back. They are an international IT company with a lot of web3 and gaming development experiment.