LandRocker NFT Game
LandRocker is a metaverse about discovery and space exploration where players can earn NFTs, crypto tokens, crafting materials and more.
What makes LandRocker unique?
It is a one-of-a-kind dynamic metaverse that’s fully gamified, built from the ground up with the purpose of empowering others to contribute and become a vital participant in the ecosystem - a metaverse with endless integration possibilities catering to gamers, content creators, artists, builders, brands and investors, and a unique reward system that incentivizes players to engage with integrations.
How many LandRocker NFT are there?
Rovers, Skins, Services, accesories, buidlings, land and decoratives are the types of NFTs we have in LandRocker with 4 rarities: common, epic, rare, and legendary