Hytopia NFT Game
HYTOPIA is a collaborative and independent video game built by various members of a community who have been at the forefront of Minecraft's modding and third-party games ecosystem for the past decade.
What is Hytopia NFT Game?
HYTOPIA is a game and developer platform built from the ground up and takes inspiration from well-loved game mechanics that players have become familiar with. HYTOPIA's goal is to become "the next Minecraft".
What makes Hytopia unique?
HYTOPIA is being built with a number of critical feature considerations in place to meet our goals of providing the best voxel-based open-world platform.
Who are the developers of Hytopia?
HYTOPIA represents the collective vision of teams and creators who are inspired by Minecraft's potential but face limitations in realizing their ideas within its closed ecosystem. While we love Minecraft, implementing even simple creations like driveable cars demands complex workarounds and unconventional methods due to the platform's inherent design constraints.
Hytopia Gameplay Overview
Players can sort by gameplay type (Adventure, Casual, RPG, Shooter, etc.) as well as popularity ranks. Popularity ranks of games are calculated using a combination of player activity trends and the World's rarity attached to a game. Games with rarer worlds attached receive a minor multiplier bonus, which slightly boosts their position on the list relative to their activity, making them visible to more players. The most influential metric for popularity ranking is player activity, which includes daily average play time per player, number of unique daily active players, and daily volume of player economic activity for a game.